I spent some time thinking about updating to Adobe Creative Cloud. They want $20/month forever. I have some regrets that I didn’t buy CS6 Web Premium when I had a chance at the local bookstore. I was hoping that I could continue to use CS4 but I found out it has bugs in Mac OS X 10.8.5. The two CS4 programs I use– Photoshop , and Dreamweaver, both at launch ask for Java 6. Java 6 seems to freeze my system now and then. I am reading that both Photoshop and Dreamweaver actually don’t use Java. I don’t know what to think. I’ve been searching for answers on the Internet.
But back to Creative Cloud. $20/month doesn’t sound too expensive but it is deceptive. If CS4 Web Premium was $399 then it would take 20 months to equal the price. But CS6 costs $600. Ouch. That would be equaled in a few years. Really the only program I want is Photoshop CS6 and Dreamweaver CS6. I’m looking at ebay and they seem to be all selling at a high price. The nice thing about CC is that you will be on the update path provided Adobe doesn’t come out with something post-CC. Little business can’t really afford CC. Regular price is $49/month. CC gives you many but not all of the Adobe products which is nice. But you don’t have a perpetual license but rather a subscription.
I wonder why our local bookstore could sell CS6 Web Premium for $399 but Adobe sells the same thing now for $599.
Maybe I can get CS4 to work…It would save a boat load of money.
UPDATE: I am able to get CS4 working on OSX 10.8.5. I am a happy camper. Now I can wait to the end of time to upgrade to CC.